Professional Membership:Membership shall be limited to (a) those individuals actively engaged in bona fide human resources administration (at the exempt and non-exempt level) who devote at least 50% of their time to human resources or industrial relations functions; (b) faculty members holding an assistant, associate or full professor rank in human resources, industrial relations or related specialized areas of study, at an accredited college or university and who possess responsible experience at this level of teaching. Professional Members may hold office in the Chapter and have voting rights. Affiliate Members:Individuals who are Consultants, Vendors or Attorneys in the field of human resources and who provide proof of SHRM membership. Affiliate Members have all the same rights and privileges as Professional Members; they may hold office in the Chapter and have voting rights. Consultants, Vendors and Attorney’s are not eligible for membership under any other membership category. Student Members:Individuals who are actively enrolled in human resources degree, concentration or certificate programs at the college or university level, or whose coursework, taken or planned, supports an interest in Human Resource Management. Student members may not hold office or have voting rights. Honorary Members:Members in good standing at the time of retirement may be elected as Honorary Members of MAHRA by vote of the Board of Directors Honorary Members are exempt from paying dues but must pay for meeting fees. They shall have the same rights as Professional Members. Honorary Members may hold office in the Chapter and have voting rights. Transitional Membership:Members in transition who no longer qualify for membership due to unemployment or graduated from HR degree programs may continue in the membership rank held prior to their separation through the current year plus one additional year. Members in transition may hold office in the Chapter and have voting rights. |